Domestic violence has become a major issue in the past several years, but the most affected are the children that are watching the violence. In the Journal, Domestic Violence Crimes and Children, it showed that many of the children that were involved in a domestic violence case were more likely to participate with police officers; these children were six years old and younger. In this journal it concluded that 75% of the children that were exposed to the violence were also injured. In the video, The Impact on Domestic Violence on Youth, what impacted children the most were isolation, socialization and struggle. Isolation is a huge thing; if mothers are isolated so are their children, later children believed that this is normal. Isolation begins when kids will not bring their friends home because they know what is going on in their home. Children are reflected on all the ways in which they are treated. They also have limited access to transportation and daily activities. This becomes an issue for them because they are only at home. Socialization changes in many ways for these children. For instance, if a little girl drops something and it breaks, then the older sibling cleans it up before the angry person sees it. This causes lack of communication between the parents and the children and becomes a cycle of fear. Children struggle a lot because they will always give their parents the information that they need when they are in fear. Children are always expecting the worse from there violent parent. This becomes a daily cycle that they will always struggle with. In this case, children will not always be the center of attention. Many children that experience this have to face a lot of stages because they are becoming victims of such acts committed by the family.
I agree that domestic violence affects a child as a whole, especially younger children that are experiencing such violence in the family atmosphere. In the video, The Impact of Domestic Violence on Youth, research showed that 3-7 million children are exposed to domestic violence annually and that thirty to seventy percent overlap the child abuse. Domestic violence also becomes a trauma for a child because they do not know what to expect and they are always in fear.
In the video, The Impact of domestic Violence on Youth, it gives a clear explanation that not all of the families that are involved in domestic violence have child protective service orders. This was interesting because I would have expected some of the violence reported prior to escalation to a more serious problem. Case workers will get involved later due to the allegations. Advocates always work to get women out, but sometimes the situation gets worse because fatalities could get worse for these women once they separate. How can women be helped to get out a domestic violence relationship so that it does not affect their children?
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