The article, Orphans in Africa had valuable information on schools and orphan children. It mainly focused on orphans school progress, enrollment and discrimination. According to this article, children who lose a parent through death often experience additional changes in the set of adults who provide them with care. They may also experience many changes in their lifestyle and this could have a negative affect for them in the future. School progress has been different for these children due to the lack of interest. These children cannot concentrate as well as they would if they were with their parents. This has a revolving issue for the child as well as the school staff. Enrollment tends to be lower than what anyone would expect with these children. Many of the children are facing problems of their own which could discourage them to attend school in a daily basis as well as their ability to learn. This article explains that low enrollment is not caused by being wealthy or not. This was concluded by a study conducted in Africa which found that enrollment was based on the gap between the schooling of orphans and no orphans, which explains the greater tendency of orphans who live with distant relatives or unrelated caregivers. Discrimination begins when the caregiver gives preference to its own child, but not to the orphan child. For instance, in this article there was a hypothesis, which considered that adult caretakers are less likely to invest in children who are more distantly related, holding both household wealth and the returns to schooling. It also explained that many adults are willing to invest more in their own children because they are more likely to receive transfers from their children later in life. This is sometimes not true when a caregiver cares for an orphan they might see them as their own child but this is always a challenge.
In the video, Through a Child's Eyes, many of the children that were being interview lived in extreme poverty. When a child lives in severe poverty the similarities are the same because they are lacking a good education and health care. Many of the children that were interviewed had the same points of view. For instance, many wanted to have a better place to live. I agree that a child should have a desire in life, of what they want to become later in the future. Many of these children have hopes and dreams. This is very important because they have hopes for a better tomorrow.
It is important to understand that a child lives in poverty because it is a generation issue. Low wages is a big factor that contributes to poverty within this children household. Some of these children parents work hard most of the time, but in return they do not get much. They basically live on a daily basis. The quality of schooling for these children is different because some of the teachers have some training and they have a crowded classroom. Many times poverty can contribute to violence, because many children who are in need of something may be tempted to steal and this could become a major issue. What can be done to prevent violence in a community filled with poverty?
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