The convention on rights of a child was signed by all the countries in the world to protect all the children. Its main focus was survival, protection and development. The convention was adapted because many of the children across the world have suffered in a way or another. Children survival is important to the convention, according to the article there are less deaths of children from 12.5 million in the 1990 to 9 million in the 2008. This has been a big difference than what it was before and they are working towards a better survival technique for a child. Some of the vaccine given to these children has also changed the survival rate of these children. Breastfeeding has also been a good survival tool for children because they breastfeed until they are six months and this makes a difference in a child’s life. Many children need to have protection because without it they will be victims of violent acts. According to this article their needs to be an establishment of a protected environment. This is done to prevent threats in the environment, which could include traditional harm. This is a vital step which helps us understand that children need to be protected not exploited. Development is also important for a child because they need to live a normal childhood and not be a child bride. Due to some traditions children marry adult males but, they are barely in their developmental area. This is why it is important for a child to have rights.
I agree that a child has to have freedom like everyone else. In Article 13 Freedom of expression, it states, that the child has the right to express his or her views, obtain information and make ideas or information known, regardless of frontiers. For a child this is important because many children have been forced to be child brides at a very young age. The convention is somewhat comprehensive, but it still needs to progress and improvement.
Many times the rights of a child have no meaning to many individuals. Many children are suffering from malnutrition, HIV and other deceases that can be prevented. But, many do not do anything to prevent this, instead they exploit this children. This problem is work in progress, even if many countries signed this convention it is imposable for many to abide to the regulation. In the video, The State of the Worlds Children, it had some astonishing images of children as soldiers and as brides. It is incredible how some countries do not overcome some of the past traditions. What can be done to protect a child in a place that is not abiding by the convention?
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