Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Week 5: BLOG #2 Youth & Digital Access
In the article, Digital Divides Research; its main focus is inequality, access and society. There has always been a gap between those who have technology in their homes and those who do not. During this research inequality was observed. Inequality has persisted for some time but, when it comes to technology it creates a gap. For instance, concepts of inequality in terms of possessions, status and profession have still been relevant in many cases. Some of the children that live in lower income household do not have a computer, vs. those who are middle class and are always exploring different alternatives to have fun. Technology access should be seen as a process with many technological causes and not as a single event of obtaining particular technology. There are several types of access, first a computer user has to acquire operational skills, then the individual has to develop and apply information skills and finally strategic skills. Usage access is the final stage and ultimate goal of the process of technological appropriation in its applications. Non- users are relatively scarce due to the lack of money and skills that they might have. Another striking result from digital skills research is that people learn more of these skills in practice, by trial and error, than in formal educational settings. There are different types of access to technology, but in this research the most educated get an opportunity to do best with technology access. Society has different believes some believe that without education there is no high income, but the truth is that society has shaped the world into what it wants the world to be. Current computer and internet have notoriously statistics. Technology will be changing constantly and some of the change that will occur is for the best of its people.
I agree that technology has many important aspects in children; this is because they build many skills. School is a great place to learn some of these skills. For instance, many of the teachers teach their students to write a resume. This is extremely important for the student because they are learning how to construct a resume and skills.
In the video, Virtually Equal, it is interesting to know that many children have the access to technology. But, this is not true for children that are living in poverty, because some of these children have limited access to technology. One of the issues that children are facing is that some are becoming addictive to some games that the internet has. This could have a negative effect in the children. What can be done so that children do not become addicted to the internet?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Week 5: BLOG #1Youth and Tensions in Education -Fostering Digital Innovation or Digital Narcissism?
In the reading, Getting over the Slump, it focuses on academic performance, digital media and the challenges that are associated with in it. Many of the highs school students are not learning the skills that they are required. Their performance has changed in the past years. Academic performance varies among children. For instance, fourth-graders can decode, but many of them cannot read to learn because they are unable to negotiate the language and its content. According to the reading, Getting over the Slump, kids are already attracted to digital games and anything that is has digital media. Many times digital media can become effective when its combined with teaching. This will allow teacher to begin to study different trajectories toward mastery by giving students constant feedback based on this knowledge, and then assess learners in terms of trajectories. Many children are being mentored at their homes while other only learn in school. This is a huge disadvantage to students that live in a home where no mentoring is available. Many students today, especially from low-income families, do not get early language preparation for schooling The other gap is a newer emerging one, which is connected to the skills in our rapidly changing world. It is a digital gap, between those students who can leverage technical skills and technological knowledge. These challenges will always persist.
In the video, Interview with Mark Bauerlein, I agree that teenagers do not care as much about literature as what they did before. This is because teenagers are more into social network and this gives them less time to study. Many teenagers like to have friends and have fun, but this is harming them as a whole because they are in their own world. As Mark states, friends are not going to help you learn your vocabulary. This is true but, technology has shaped teenagers in a different way.
It is interesting to know that technology is changing the world around us. In the video, Special Reports, many believe that teenagers do not care about school as much as they did before. It is interesting that social network has been more important than school. How can teenagers learn the importance of being more concentrated in school and their career instead, of their computer and cell phones?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Week 4: BLOG #5 Family and Community Violence: Gang Intervention Efforts
In the video, Glen Mills Gang: Arrested Without Locks and Bars, Glen Mills is an institution alternative to any prison. This school has several benefits for the youth that are placed here. Its main focus is to change behavior, education opportunity and rehabilitation. Those who are put in Glen Mill have norms that they have to follow. For instance, they do not allow running on campus. They are also required to have a change in behavior, because they are being taught academics and correction. This is a benefit for them because these juveniles get the opportunity to change their perspective of schooling because the staffs have a positive attitude at all times. Many of the members have engaged positively in their educational goals. Some of the youths here have had the opportunity to graduate and obtain a GED. Some get vocational training, which helps them to work on what they would do for a job in the future. These techniques are important because they have the opportunity to grow individually. They also get some other important opportunities such as getting credits for college. Many of the students are engaged in sports and they are accepted in the gang. Once a month they get together to get an award, this give them the opportunity to encourage themselves on doing better in a daily basis. When a new person comes in they encourage them to do their best. Positive behavior is accomplishes by having a positive attitude. This is the best place to give others the opportunity to talk and give their opinions. Student counseling gives them the opportunity to speak out and by letting them engage in a conversation. This gives them the opportunity to grow as a group with the respect and the confidence that they need to accomplish what they want. They are a stronger gang in this institution, but also a more committed gang.
I agree that many programs aim towards violence prevention, but most of the time it is achieved if the person really wants to put violence to an end. This programs main focus is on crime prevention. For instance, in the reading Best Practices of Youth Violence Prevention, it takes a closer look at intervention. This was an important factor because it stops violence by putting problem resolution strategies into play. This was one of the most successful programs because they looked at the problem and looked for ways to resolve it.
In many circumstances some of the youth that are involved with gangs or any criminal activity do not get an opportunity to rehabilitate. But, for many being placed in an institution that will help them become a better individual is better than being put in jail. It was interesting to know that many individuals still have an opportunity to be back in society. How can a teenager stay out of problems when coming back into society? Will they become involved in gangs and violence or will this stop?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Week 4: BLOG #4 Family and Community Violence: Globalization and International Gangs
In the article, The Global Impact on Gangs, it gives a wide understanding on the importance of gang research. Gangs affect the community at an international level. The growth of gangs is an epidemic, there are gangs worldwide. Gangs have impacted the community with its culture, economy and social control. Gangs have their own culture and they are changing each time. According to the article, the power of rap music has strong influence that culture is in decline, and even more so in subcultures. Also, Muslim youth gang members enforce Sharia in Nigeria, while wearing gold chains, using and selling drugs, and listening to rap music. This has become a type of gang culture among the members. In the recent studies it shows that gangs make high revenue. For instance, in the UN made more than 400 billion annually from drug dealing. This type of crime is linked to the drug cartels. This is a crime for which many are benefiting from. Youths have become a major target for drug cartels. Despite that drug dealing makes a profitable business, the ones who sell it don’t get paid as much. Many decide to sell these narcotics because they are facing extreme poverty and this is the only way out of poverty. Gangs have control over some of its people. Many of the youth that get involved are those who are in poverty and this are the ones more vulnerable to such violence. This social control has become a huge issue because gangs not only control youth that are becoming involved they are also involved and control the real estate market, politics and community organizations.
I agree that the most vulnerable to becoming involved in the gangs are those are in poverty. This is because the gang members take advantage of those who are in need. This has become an international problem and it will be difficult to stop these organizations because they have grown in a rapid rate. They have also become dangerous to the community.
It was interesting to know that the gangs did not originate in the United States. Since there was a lot of violence by such gangs in California, I believed that it all begun here. According to the article, gangs have formed all over the world whenever and wherever industrialization and related processes drive people into cities. Many of the gangs that were formed in the early 18th century were formed in Hong Kong, China. How can such violence expand worldwide? Can this cycle be stopped?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Week 4: BLOG#3 Family and Community Violence: Generational Gang Membership
In the video, Nuestra Familia, Our Family, it gives us a broad understanding on why some teenagers get involved and what the results become. Nuestra Familia is the most violent gang that there is in California. Salinas is a little town, but knows it is not the way it used to be. The peace that was once there has become fear to most of the residents. Nuestra Familia is all about respect, violence and rivalry. Many of the teenagers that get involved in Nuestra Familia believe that they are part of a family; they feel that they are at home. In this particular documentary what gets many involved is the welcoming of the gang members that are already involved and they feel safe when they are around them. When teenagers are having problems at home with their family they look for friends and if those friends give them trust and respect they will most likely be with them most of the time. Lack of parental attention could lead many of the teenagers into an environment that is unknown to them and it will affect them later in the future. Nuestra Familia is a gang that is controlled by some prisoners, but once you’re in the gang there is no way to get out. Many of the gang members have murdered innocent people, this occurs when they are doing drive bys. There was a boy in the documentary named Armando which at age twelve committed an armed robbery. His problems began when he was in and out of youth and adult prisons. Rivalry of opposite gang members have always created problems, many believe that being violent to their revelry will protect the others. Nuestra Familia rivals are the surenos, which are the south. The do not take any disrespect form the rivalry. They fight for territory and things that do not really matter. But, despite of all the violence associated with the gang members they are a family and it is difficult to break the cycle. Teenagers that get involved in gangs do it because they have been growing up in the same kind of environment, which encourages them to commit crime for money. Drug dealing has become a big part in the gang, because it is easy money and control.
I agree that many times teenagers get involved in the gangs because they feel peer pressure. But, even if there is peer pressure they have the opportunity to say no. This could be difficult for many because they are trying to impress their friends or fit into that particular environment that was difficult to be in at the beginning. Many teenagers should stop because they will destroy their lives and the lives of others.
It is interesting that many teenagers that were involved in Nuestra Familia were children of the oldest gang members in that particular gang. Parents get their children exposed to many problems that they are facing, mainly to benefit the race. This was because they wanted to have the opportunity to expand. Being involved in a gang is a cycle in which many teenagers become exposed each day. How can gang involvement be stopped?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Week 4: BLOG #2 Family and Community Violence: Youth & Gang Violence - U.S. Perspectives
Youth gang violence has been increasing and this has become a major problem for the general population. In the reading, Longitudinal Perspectives on Adolescent Street Gangs, prior to joining a gang, gang members do not have significant higher rates of gun ownership than non members, but they are more likely to engage in gun delinquency. Gang involvement is dangerous, because the main issues that surround them are delinquency, drug use and problematic transitions. Delinquency is associated with gang members in one way or another. Their delinquent trajectory begins when they join the others. The study concluded that adolescents involved in delinquent behavior are more likely to drop out of school. There is a tendency for the level of drug involvement to increase with the onset of gang membership. For example, drug sales and drug use increase during the first year of involvement. Drug use also remains high after periods of active membership. Problematic transitions in adulthood occur when these teenagers decide to drop out of school. Many times this is the best thing to do because they see their future with the other gang members. During that time they do not realize how dangerous this could become for them or how this could affect their future in a negative way. Early pregnancy is also a problem that many teens face when they leave their home, but this is only a beginning of a changing world to these teenagers. Many believe that being a member of a gang during adolescence will be associated with disrupted transitions from adolescence to adulthood and which will later impact life chances. But the truth is that being part of a gang is dangerous and death rates in gang are 7% per person per year.
I agree that sometimes teens are prone to doing some of the crimes because they see money in between. In the video, Why Do Crack Dealers Still Live With Their Moms, Steven points out that teenagers that see a roll of money are tempted to go ahead and spend it. In the mean while, they will owe the leader the money and be forced to be part of the business. Many of the teenagers that enter the gang, will find it difficult to leave because they are becoming used to an illicit environment along with the violence associated with it.
I would of never have compared an illicit business with any corporate business. But in the video, Why Do Crack Dealers Still Live With their Moms, Steven compared the drug business with McDonalds because they have a hierarchy that they go thru as in whatever business that is out there. I was unaware that in the drug business had a hierarchy that is extremely important. Most of the time the gang members that are at the top, are those who have more time in the business. How can teenagers be helped to get out of the business?
Week 4: BLOG #1 Family and Community Violence: Domestic Violence and Youth
Domestic violence has become a major issue in the past several years, but the most affected are the children that are watching the violence. In the Journal, Domestic Violence Crimes and Children, it showed that many of the children that were involved in a domestic violence case were more likely to participate with police officers; these children were six years old and younger. In this journal it concluded that 75% of the children that were exposed to the violence were also injured. In the video, The Impact on Domestic Violence on Youth, what impacted children the most were isolation, socialization and struggle. Isolation is a huge thing; if mothers are isolated so are their children, later children believed that this is normal. Isolation begins when kids will not bring their friends home because they know what is going on in their home. Children are reflected on all the ways in which they are treated. They also have limited access to transportation and daily activities. This becomes an issue for them because they are only at home. Socialization changes in many ways for these children. For instance, if a little girl drops something and it breaks, then the older sibling cleans it up before the angry person sees it. This causes lack of communication between the parents and the children and becomes a cycle of fear. Children struggle a lot because they will always give their parents the information that they need when they are in fear. Children are always expecting the worse from there violent parent. This becomes a daily cycle that they will always struggle with. In this case, children will not always be the center of attention. Many children that experience this have to face a lot of stages because they are becoming victims of such acts committed by the family.
I agree that domestic violence affects a child as a whole, especially younger children that are experiencing such violence in the family atmosphere. In the video, The Impact of Domestic Violence on Youth, research showed that 3-7 million children are exposed to domestic violence annually and that thirty to seventy percent overlap the child abuse. Domestic violence also becomes a trauma for a child because they do not know what to expect and they are always in fear.
In the video, The Impact of domestic Violence on Youth, it gives a clear explanation that not all of the families that are involved in domestic violence have child protective service orders. This was interesting because I would have expected some of the violence reported prior to escalation to a more serious problem. Case workers will get involved later due to the allegations. Advocates always work to get women out, but sometimes the situation gets worse because fatalities could get worse for these women once they separate. How can women be helped to get out a domestic violence relationship so that it does not affect their children?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Week 3: BLOG #5 Topic Proposal
1) Narrow scope of the problem: Focus your initial topic. (5 points)
In this course there have been many topics that got my attention, but the one that I would like to conduct further research on would be on the child brides. I would like to know more about the history of child brides and why many parents agree to have their children married at a very young age. In the documentary, Child Brides many of the women were married when they were fifteen or younger. Child brides are seen in many developing societies for instance, it is typical in Afghan. What got my attention on this particular topic was reading an article in which an eleven year old Afghan girl was forced by her parents to quit school and become engaged with a forty year old man. This research would also include some of the potential problems and concerns associated with these marriages without their consent. I believe that many of this children that are becoming child brides should have an option to deciding what to do with their life’s and live a normal childhood. Children are going thru many things in today’s society, but sometimes justice is not enough. There are many children that commit horrendous crimes, but in this particular case children are being maltreated by their own family and are becoming part of a horrendous crime.
NOW: Child Brides
2) Explain the types of sources you will be looking at for your paper (5 points)
For this particular paper I will be looking at some academic journals as well as outside readings. I will be looking into some current cases of child brides and how this has impacted the child’s life. This week we took a closer look at the problem associated with child exploitation as well as sexual abuse for which has become a severe problem. These children are forced to have sexual encounters with many men at a very young age. The potential benefits that will be drawn from these sources will be current events that are currently occurring. In the article, Stolen Lives, it gives an explanation on why many parents are marring their children at a young age. For instance, in Lebanese thirteen year old teenagers are being forced to marry because of the economic crisis. In this article it also gives on explanation on how religion plays a big role with these marriages. In the Muslim circle it is said that girls as young as nine are suitable for marriage.
In the article, Poverty Trap-Child Brides, many assume that needy families in Arab are marring their daughters so that they are not trapped in poverty. It is amazing to know that this is the most recent article dated on July of this year. This also explains how the parents escape financial responsibility. But, it still amazing to know that this is actually happening know and that money is more important than their child as a whole.
3) Provide a clear structure for the type of paper you wish to write (5 points)
The structure of my paper will have to do with the history, the problems and what is going on currently with child brides. I would like to understand why some parents do this to their children and how having a low wage can contribute to this child humiliation. Understanding the history of child brides could be a good starting point because this could help me understand the parent’s point of view and whatever stress they are facing. For instance, in the two articles that I provided, they only explain that parents do this for financial circumstances that they are being surrounded by. But, there are apparently more reasons why this keeps on occurring until this day. In the video, it provides some information about child brides in Afghanistan. I will compare them to other child brides in other parts of the continent. It is interesting to know that many children become brides at a young age based on their religion.
4) Provide a clear explanation about how your topic addresses issues of youth &
justice we’ve covered in the course (5 points)
This topic addresses issues of youth and justice in many ways because a teenager is becoming victimized by their own family. It is amazing that this is still happening in many of the countries. This later becomes part of normal life and nobody is doing anything to help these children who are in need of assistance. This case is significant because children are being prone to abuse without their consent. As stated in this week’s assignment many of these children are being exploited because they are forced to doing things that they don’t want. The men who usually get married with these children are thirty years old or older. For them there is nothing wrong about it because they are going by a contract between him and the parents. These children need to be protected by their parents and not sold to get out of poverty. These children need help and justice.
Week 3. BLOG #4 Child Labor Exploitation & Abuse - Child Soldiers
In the video, Invisible Children, it is clear that many children are becoming part of the violence in Uganda. There is not much that can be done to help these children because it is difficult for them to escape such horrendous life. There is still hope, but the truth is that it could be too late because a lot of children and innocent people are being killed by the Rebels. Power, violence and abduction are the main problem that children from Uganda are facing. Joseph Kony is the leader of the rebels, he has a lot of power including the power to harm innocent people. Having too much power has caused a lot of pain and suffering for those living in Uganda. Many people fear him because they know that he is very powerful and dangerous. Violence grows each day in Uganda; it all began when the rebels kill villagers without sympathy. For instance, when a child was going to escape he was tortured and killed in front of his brother. If the brother tried to cry they informed him that he would also be killed. It is difficult for many children to cry because they know that they will face horrendous consequences. Children abduction has been going on for years. Many of the children that are abducted from their home cannot go back to their family. They are becoming soldiers that kill without having an opportunity to choose their future. If they try to escape they will be killed in very horrific way. Children have been suffering such injustice for a while. Many have tried to stop this, but it has been difficult because Joseph Kony does not want to sign any peace treaty. For instance, in the 2007 when he was going to sign the peace agreement he never showed up. This was a disappointment form many that believed that the war was going to end and peace accomplished.
I agree that there needs to be peace in Africa so that the war can end. This horrific war began when the North and South fought for control in Uganda. If there is peace many of the abducted children can go back home. They do not deserve this much suffering at a young age. Many of the children are tortured and trained to kill; these children are learning to become violent. Joseph keeps on kidnapping children. Child soldier fear him and hide from him. These children need a new beginning they do not deserve the life that they are living.
I was unaware on to what extent Uganda children were becoming prone to violence. It is not tolerable to know that these children are soldiers at a very young age. Children form ages nine to twelve are the biggest target because they can help with further abductions that take place in the schools. Many of these children are being killed without sympathy and they are facing a lot of suffering. When will this stop? How can these children be helped?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Week 3: BLOG #3 Child Exploitation & Abuse-- Youth Sex Workers
It is devastating to know that some children are becoming abused at an early age. Despite of this many do nothing to help these children. Sexual abuse, prostitution and exploitation on a child are the main concerns. In the video, Very Young Girls, it was interesting to know that some of these girls began with this trauma when they are only twelve years old. But, some of them keep on doing what they are doing for a long time. One of which still obtains a relationship with an older partner. Many of this girls reported sexual abuse form close family members, which began with molestation. The problem begins when these teenagers are charged with prostitution even when they are only sixteen. Some individuals don’t believe that charging an adolescent with prostitution is the right thing to do. Instead, they believe that these teenagers should receive help and support from outside sources and not become sentenced for being forced into prostitution. Exploitation is one of the biggest issue surrounding children that become sexually abused. In the video, Children for Sale, many of the children that were being abused were also being exploited by their owners. For instance, some of the children in Cambodia are being sold as slaves for sex. Some of the victims are as young as five years old. Some of these children are forced to have sex with grown men, this is horrendous. Prostitution in Cambodia is illegal, but children have become the biggest target. This was surprising to me because it helps us realize that many bad things are happening around us and sometimes we don’t even notice.
I agree that sexual exploitation is a nationwide problem. In the reading, Child exploitation in the U.S.A, it is estimated that around 300,000 children and adolescents are victims of domestic trafficking and sexual exploitation every year. This has become a cycle of abuse for many, it is said that family dysfunction causes prostitution in the United States.
It was shocking to know that many young children have been forced to having sex with older men. This has become a nationwide problem and their needs to be a plan in place so that this could have an end. In the reading of Montgomery, it was interesting to know that out sixty five children that were interviewed twenty five were involved in sex work and nine of these children claimed that they were supported by foreigners. How can child exploitation and prostitution be prevented?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Week 3; BLOG #2 Child Labor in the U.S and Internationally
There are many places in the world today that still perform child labor. In the video, Working to End Child Labor, it gives clear examples on how five children work in India to help their parents maintain their home. India is one of the countries that have many children that work and become uneducated. Many of these children are paid low wages and for them play is a luxury. Child labor has negative effects on a child because they do not enjoy a normal childhood. There are many negative factors to child labor such as health problems, education and exploitation. Many of the children that are labors can have serious health conditions as they grow older. This is caused by working in factories that have toxins. According to the Journal, The health impact of child labor in developing countries: Evidence from cross-country data, mortality rate among children aged ten to fourteen is an important health indicator, commonly related to accidents. Many of the children are susceptible to malaria and this could have a negative effect in their health. Children that work do not have an opportunity to have an education because they are working for ten to fifteen hours a day to help support their family. In the other hand, in the website Youth Rules, it states that there are limited hours that a child can work based on their age and on the state that they live in. For instance, in Arizona, the minimum age for employment is sixteen and fourteen hours in a school week. Exploitation is a big problem when children are employed, employers do this because they believe that they will make a profit out of the children that they are giving employment to. They take advantage of a child life as well as the parents. This is more likely to occur when the parents are ill and unable to work. Children should have the ability to enjoy their childhood and not work at a very young age because this could be a generational issue.
I agree that child labor is an easy way out for many employers because they pay the children less than what they would an adult for the same job performed. For instance, in the video, Working to End Child Labor, the little girl that worked in architecture was forced to work by her father, and if she did not work the employer would go and yell at her father for not appearing for work. The child’s parents should take the initiative and protect their child of their type of predators that only want to take advantage of their child’s labor. If the parent forces their child to work it is impossible to end this type of injustice.
I was unaware that in some states a fourteen year old teenager could work, I believe that the minimum age was sixteen, but this is not true for some states. I believe that the United States has come a long way avoiding child labor, even though it did occur in the past. There has been many ways in which we have come forward with positive laws that give advantage to a child and basically force them to have an education until they reach a certain age. Why do some countries still face child labor? Can child labor be avoided?
Week 3: BLOG #1 Convention on Rights of a Child
The convention on rights of a child was signed by all the countries in the world to protect all the children. Its main focus was survival, protection and development. The convention was adapted because many of the children across the world have suffered in a way or another. Children survival is important to the convention, according to the article there are less deaths of children from 12.5 million in the 1990 to 9 million in the 2008. This has been a big difference than what it was before and they are working towards a better survival technique for a child. Some of the vaccine given to these children has also changed the survival rate of these children. Breastfeeding has also been a good survival tool for children because they breastfeed until they are six months and this makes a difference in a child’s life. Many children need to have protection because without it they will be victims of violent acts. According to this article their needs to be an establishment of a protected environment. This is done to prevent threats in the environment, which could include traditional harm. This is a vital step which helps us understand that children need to be protected not exploited. Development is also important for a child because they need to live a normal childhood and not be a child bride. Due to some traditions children marry adult males but, they are barely in their developmental area. This is why it is important for a child to have rights.
I agree that a child has to have freedom like everyone else. In Article 13 Freedom of expression, it states, that the child has the right to express his or her views, obtain information and make ideas or information known, regardless of frontiers. For a child this is important because many children have been forced to be child brides at a very young age. The convention is somewhat comprehensive, but it still needs to progress and improvement.
Many times the rights of a child have no meaning to many individuals. Many children are suffering from malnutrition, HIV and other deceases that can be prevented. But, many do not do anything to prevent this, instead they exploit this children. This problem is work in progress, even if many countries signed this convention it is imposable for many to abide to the regulation. In the video, The State of the Worlds Children, it had some astonishing images of children as soldiers and as brides. It is incredible how some countries do not overcome some of the past traditions. What can be done to protect a child in a place that is not abiding by the convention?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Week 2: BLOG #5 Youth Homelessness
Many children who become homeless have many things that they are facing in a daily basis. In the journal, From Home to Street, many had left their home due to physical abuse, family conflict and poverty. Physical abuse causes harm to the victim as well as their children. It is something that is difficult to repair and it will leave a scar for life. In this journal, Twig was a child who was pushed and hit several times by his step-father, but his mother did nothing to change that situation, because she was financially dependent on him. This led him to leave the household, but it was not as easy. For instance, he had several foster placements which were unsuccessful and he ended up leaving all of them within a short period of time. Although the circumstances of each placement varied, he described his struggles as trying to fit into a foster placement that did not acknowledge his past experiences. Family conflict is another way for which a person finds a way out without taking into consideration the possible struggles that this decision could later bring. Many times families are not supportive when there is family conflict; they tend to manage the situation differently. In which young homeless people often perceive themselves as antagonists in their life journeys. Poverty is a main issue from which a person leaves their home behind; many times when a person loses their jobs it is impossible to sustain their family for a long time. This can raise conflict of interest with the landlord and most likely will cause eviction. In the long run it could be difficult for a person to find a way out of a situation and most likely take life as its coming. Homelessness affects a large population in the United States, and it affects everyone.
In the Skid Row documentary, I agree that substance abuse is the major form of violence that there is. Substance abuse appeared to be a big issue in Los Angeles. According to the documentary, there are many people selling drugs, they do this without taking in consideration who is around. For instance, violence is seen every time without anyone doing anything about it. Franklin gave his testimony on how he saw a women been murdered and instead of getting anyone’s assistance they only kept watching on how she was getting stabbed.
It is important to understand that even though there are many homeless individuals. There are many places that can help them with social services. But, despite of this many of the shelters are not that big enough for many of these individuals. Anyone can get the help that they need by going to the right place. Can homelessness be stopped or will this be an ongoing situation? What effects does it have on children?
Week 2: BLOG #4 Poverty and Schooling in the U.S. and Internationally
The article, Orphans in Africa had valuable information on schools and orphan children. It mainly focused on orphans school progress, enrollment and discrimination. According to this article, children who lose a parent through death often experience additional changes in the set of adults who provide them with care. They may also experience many changes in their lifestyle and this could have a negative affect for them in the future. School progress has been different for these children due to the lack of interest. These children cannot concentrate as well as they would if they were with their parents. This has a revolving issue for the child as well as the school staff. Enrollment tends to be lower than what anyone would expect with these children. Many of the children are facing problems of their own which could discourage them to attend school in a daily basis as well as their ability to learn. This article explains that low enrollment is not caused by being wealthy or not. This was concluded by a study conducted in Africa which found that enrollment was based on the gap between the schooling of orphans and no orphans, which explains the greater tendency of orphans who live with distant relatives or unrelated caregivers. Discrimination begins when the caregiver gives preference to its own child, but not to the orphan child. For instance, in this article there was a hypothesis, which considered that adult caretakers are less likely to invest in children who are more distantly related, holding both household wealth and the returns to schooling. It also explained that many adults are willing to invest more in their own children because they are more likely to receive transfers from their children later in life. This is sometimes not true when a caregiver cares for an orphan they might see them as their own child but this is always a challenge.
In the video, Through a Child's Eyes, many of the children that were being interview lived in extreme poverty. When a child lives in severe poverty the similarities are the same because they are lacking a good education and health care. Many of the children that were interviewed had the same points of view. For instance, many wanted to have a better place to live. I agree that a child should have a desire in life, of what they want to become later in the future. Many of these children have hopes and dreams. This is very important because they have hopes for a better tomorrow.
It is important to understand that a child lives in poverty because it is a generation issue. Low wages is a big factor that contributes to poverty within this children household. Some of these children parents work hard most of the time, but in return they do not get much. They basically live on a daily basis. The quality of schooling for these children is different because some of the teachers have some training and they have a crowded classroom. Many times poverty can contribute to violence, because many children who are in need of something may be tempted to steal and this could become a major issue. What can be done to prevent violence in a community filled with poverty?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Week 2: BLOG #3 Social Capital and Youth Violence in Schools
Many of the educators as well as students do not feel that school is the safest place, due to the acts of violence that has occurred in the past several years. In the video, Students Threats of Violence, the most important points that were discussed were fear, violence and improvement. Fear is caused when something negative has occurred that has shocked the nation. For instance, school shootings that have occurred make an individual feel unsafe in any given moment. Fear could also occur when there is fear vs. facts. This occurs when Facts become false based on surveys that have been taken. Violence has declined in schools within the years, but it is difficult to predict the future. Many teachers are finding a way to solve a problem before it escalates to a greater issue. Some of the students could feel safe when some issues are resolved, without future violence. There have been major improvements within the school system. This could be seen thru the education process in which new programs are developed to implement education. There have also been more improvements towards teachers and students communication that has leaded some students to build trust and confidence to some of the teachers. The zero tolerance approach has become very effective; this approach has no tolerance for fire arms including toy guns. When there are treats it is important to take them seriously because they could become an issue. Schools have good expectations for their students at the same time they want their students to achieve their goals.
In the reading social capital, I believe that the observations that were made are accurate because it was all based on the social life of an adolescent. I also agree that conflict resolution programs or classes could emphasize the importance of evading physically threatening situations need to be established. In the reading social capital, the authors identified social capital as social structures and relationship. Social capital is external to the individual; it has to do with their surroundings. There were several types of social capital that were identified. There was family social capital, school social capital and neighborhood social capital. From these specific capitals the authors believed that family social capital is the most important because this is where parents have an opportunity to communicate with their children and have different communication with them as well. It is important for parents to know what is going around in their child’s life, but if they don’t care, peer pressure will always become an issue. The data showed that adolescents that have a close relationship to their parents commit less violent acts because they have constant attention as well as communication.
From the reading on social capital, it is important to understand that social capital does not have positive consequences in an adolescent. Adolescents who are repeatedly victimized may be prone to impulsiveness and violence toward younger children. It is important to take some of the family life factors into consideration when talking about violence, so that we can understand what is going on around teenagers and their social life. What causes an adolescent to commit violent acts towards others?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Week 2: BLOG #2: As American as Public School
In the video, As American as Public School: 1900-1950, there were different functions in those particular schools than what they have today. For instance, in the first part of the 20th century the school system was only part-time, based on the high popularity of schooling. School was offered during the day as well as during the night. They had an exercise routine that was similar to today’s schools. The main focus was I.Q tests, American tradition and changes in the school system. I.Q testes were important because many of the children that did well, got a scholarship to Stanford University, but this was not a good way to test a child. Many of the children that were being testing did not speak English well. This contributed to a negative factor because if the child came from an immigrant family, the teachers would assume that they would do better in other industries as labors. This caused a major problem because a child did not have an opportunity to achieve what they really wanted to. For instance, in the video two brothers of Hispanic heritage were not going to get a good educational opportunity until one who was in the Navy spoke to the Director and pressured him that he would do well, and he actually became an important figure. American tradition was a required in the school system. Students who were Jews had to follow the rules and forget about their traditions while in school. They would celebrate different traditions, which were new to them. Religion was also practiced within the school system. Change in the school system was important because it offered students different curriculum as well as field trips. This contributed positively for a student because they would go and learn other things. Youth had a different concept around justice, because they were not given the opportunity to prove their skills to anyone, it was all based on an I.Q test which was not a fair to many especially if they did not speak the language. This brought opportunity to others, but was not an equal opportunity.
Having change in a school setting is important for a child because they have other things to think about not only numbers and letters. The change in the school system was a good plan because the children had an opportunity to explore new things. For instance, having a swimming pool makes school more interesting. But, many of the parents did not agree with this particular change because they wanted their child to learn not to play. A child needs to have a good childhood in order to succeed in the future. It is important for them to build good memories, but sometimes it is imposable.
It is important to understand that stereotyping has always contributed to negative aspects in anyone life. For instance, many of the students were being stereotyped based on their social class, gender and many were placed on different curriculum. This stereotypical approach closed many doors to many children. Most of the time they would know who would work in a desk and who would work in a trench. They also believed that ethnicity affected intelligence and also quality of people. Can today’s stereotypical approach affect a child’s ability to succeed in life?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Week 2: BLOG #1 Self-Image in Childhood
In the video, Identity Crisis: Self-Image in Childhood, there were many aspects that were explored during the childhood of a child. Identity, Confidence and learning were the main focus on the video. A child begins to develop their identity when they are growing up. This has an impact on who they will later become. Many of the children could differentiate on the races of some of the children in the pictures that were shown to them. They had the task to differentiate on which child was mean and which child was nice. It was interesting that many had a stereotypical approach to some of the children in these pictures. Most likely they picked children of their same color, thinking that they were nice. Many of the children also believed that when they grew up they would be the opposite race. It was interesting how identity changes for a child when they see a male with a dress. At this age children are still exploring the world around them. Confidence was a major characteristic within a child, this builds confidence with whom they are, but sometimes it changes when a mother has a different approach to confidence herself. For instance, in this particular documentary, a five year old would not eat as much because her mother was always talking on how important her weight is as well as low portions of food. This could harm a child negatively because a child is growing up in an environment that is teaching her not to have self confidence in herself. Learning is a very important stage in a child’s life. It changes the way in which they think and expect things to be. A child is in a learning process and they need to have care and love. Children learn at a very young age the economic differences. Many children that are living a difficult time at home can engage in criminal activity as they are growing up. Especially, if they are not getting the attention and love that they need at home. Not being stable can cause emotional stress for a child and this could be when the problems begin.
Many times we do not notice, but when a child begins to grow up they understand the social economic differences. As this video progressed it showed examples of different children, giving their point of view of two houses. One house was big and the other small, each believed that the child in the big house was going to be happier than a child in the smaller house. At their young age they had expectations on who was living in that particular household and even had a future for the children of that house. Children grow up wondering what the world around them will be like and they already know the societies expectations within it.
Changes in the environment sometimes shape identity and the future of a child. Many times when a child is in an environment full of violence they want to understand what is going on around them. Many times they will see that whatever is going on is not good and they try to do better. But, sometimes it is difficult to know what will really happen to a child within years to come. Many times the environment changes a child in a negative way. But, does this really means that a child will have the same values based on the environment in which they live in?
Friday, July 9, 2010
BLOG 4: Missouri’s Different Approach to Juvenile Justice
In the video, Missouri’s Different Approach to Juvenile Justice, they have a different approach when it comes to juveniles. The first thing that makes this institution different is that it is based on the support of the staff. The teenagers that are sent there have an opportunity to rehabilitate in that institution, as they work to becoming a better person. It was also interesting to know that in this specific facility staff actually speak to the inmates and give them the advice that they need when they are going thru a tough time. This makes the facility look welcoming when an individual walks in that door. This is an important factor for the inmates because it makes them feel safe and some even fell like if they were home. Finally, it is important to have visitation day weekly and if they don’t feel comfortable taking with their family members, the counselors will want them to engage in the conversation or otherwise take them to another room so that they could figure out their differences. This is an important factor because it helps the inmates or family members not have resentment with each other. Only ten percent of the inmates that came to this specific facility go to adult prison, this is a major impact compared to forty percent that are put in a juvenile correction facility.
Many juveniles that have committed an offense do it because they are facing a hardship in one way or another. I agree that many of the offenders could get rehabilitated if they try. But, in the meanwhile this could be a difficult process to accomplish, but not imposable. I believe that this is a good alternative to incarceration because they are treated with respect and in a way it makes them feel safe and make their opinions count. This facility does not compare to the other correctional system because the inmates are close enough that they consider themselves a family.
If violence is less in this specific institution, it’s because the inmates receive the support that they need. It was important to know that even when an inmate gets released from this institution, they have counselor or other staff visiting their household to see if their behavior is the same. It was also interesting to know that the money spent on this institution is not on surveillance, but rather on counselors that will actually give the attention that an inmate needs, without spending much money as a correctional facility. But, why do some juveniles end up in the same place, if they are getting all the attention and support that they don’t get from home?
BLOG 3: Juvenile Offenders in Adult Prisons
It is impressive that many juvenile offenders are being charged as an adult and sent to an adult prison. Youths keep committing offenses and yet some do not get caught but, when they don’t care they keep doing it. The first point that was made by Aaron Kupchip is that many adolescent offenders that are sent to an adult prison have been repeat offenders. Despite of the crimes committed they are also prone to more acts of violence than adults in the prison. This causes danger to the staff in the facility because they are the ones who have to handle a given situation. It is also important to note that the major difference between the adult and juvenile within the same prison is that youths are not mixed with the general adult population. This is done to prevent future outrage with the adults and youth combined together. Youths are accommodated accordingly, for instance youth inmates get fresh milk, when it comes to eating compared to those of the adults. Finally, the most important point to understand is that many inmates have different points of view. For instance, in the research that was done to several inmates in the adult facility as well as in a youth facility was that each of them expressed themselves differently. It is clear that many youth in juvenile facilities are more likely to be physically victimizes by other inmates. In the contrary in the adults’ facility they believed that they receive good treatment and education. Incarceration is a way to deter crime; this is when rehabilitation does not work for some repeat offenders.
Youth offenders that have been arrested more than once have not learned from their mistakes. This is why they are back and back for good. Youths are given a second opportunity when they are involved in petty crimes, but when they reach their limit there is no other option. A youth who murders and does it knowingly, not accidentally deserve to get punished. The punishment should fit their crime. But, despite of that many juveniles do not think before they act. Many act before they think and this is a big issue. Even if they are put in prison, they are getting the treatment that they need as well as the education. If a juvenile has committed various offenses and learned from them then it is reasonable to punish them accordingly.
In the video, Juveniles Locked Up, many of the juvenile offenders claim that their behavior begins in the neighborhood. I agree with this because being exposed to a neighborhood full of crime, an individual might be tempted to go and to the same thing as the others. Pressure for others does contribute to a negative factor. Committing a crime is a cycle, one of juvenile prisoners states that he began shoplifting and since he never got caught be kept on doing it, until it escalated and murdered a random person out of anger. When things like this occur it is difficult to find a way to fix to problem. Even though many have came up with the rehabilitation approach, which helps an individual do better in the community. But, does rehabilitation really work for these inmates?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
BLOG 2: Play,Deprivation, and Juvenile Incarceration
In the video, Play is more than fun, it was interesting to know that there are different levels of play. For instance, Stuart Brown makes various points when he talks about play. One of the point that he makes is that play could be important for our survival which he explains as depravation, because life without play would be difficult. We are designed to play thru our lifetime. The next point that was made was the play is curiosity and exploration which begins at a young age. It is imperative to do some self exploration to understand the meaning of play. Finally, he speaks about imaginative play; this also begins at a young age. Children tent to imagine many things when they are playing and this is important for them at a developmental stage. These points are important when it comes to Justice because as Stuart Brown points out everyone in any given situation enjoys play. This could mean that the Justice system could be seen a game because we try to figure out what has occurred or what is about to occur based on certain evidence which falls between the exploration process, as it is put in this particular film.
In the video, Juvenile Corrections Facility, I agree that if a child lives in a household that has a lot of violence or neglect they tend to do the same as the adults living in that household. Many times a teenager wants an easy way out and not take into consideration that whatever they are doing affects their family as well as themselves. Many teenagers that were in the correctional facility, looked as if they did not care what was going around them. Many blamed their parents on not paying much attention to them. This could be the cause of their delinquent actions, or this was what they believed to be true.
A teenager that has been put in a correctional facility might encounter problems in the long run. It was said that almost 90 percent of the teenagers will come back to the system as an adult or later within the years. But it is important to know these correctional facilities also deter crime for some of the teenagers. For some this might be a learning experience as for others their last alternative. But, the question is, what can be done so that they don’t return to the system?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
BLOG 1: HOW OLD IS 15, Really?
In the Capelle video clip, How old is 15 Really? Capelle pointed out three important points, which are important to the community. For instance, when a 15 year old goes missing everyone is wondering what has occurred. This is totally normal because the whole community is worried on where the teenager might be. But, if the teenager was later found close to home many might wonder: what kept the teenager there, why didn’t they run? Many times it’s easy to assume why the teenager did or could have done. The dilemma is that sometimes the teenager does not have an opportunity to react. Finally, when a teenager murders someone accidentally, the family members of the victims will want closure and justice. This is when the trouble begins for the teenager especially if they are sentenced life in prison, without the opportunity of a better future.
In this video I believe that we need to agree on what fifteen really is. For instance, a fifteen year old is a teenager that might not know what they really want in life; in the other hand there are many teenagers that are mature enough to confront a difficult situation. Despite of the situation, there needs to be an agreement on what fifteen really is. It is sometimes difficult to understand some of the legal issues surrounding teenagers and why some are given a sentence as if they were adults. Many have different opinions and ideas, but we have to make up our minds, on what it means to be fifteen.
Many things that Capelle spoke about are exactly what a fifteen year old teenager would encounter or think by that age. Yes, when a fifteen year old teenager is kidnapped and found death in a near or faraway place our first reaction is what a young victim, but when a fifteen year old teenager kills someone accidentally we rapidly point our finger and what them to serve life in prison. The problem here is that many things are not put into consideration. For instance, if a teenager kills accidentally why make them serve life in prison? Why not give them an opportunity to prove to everyone that they are not what it seems like? Many times we do not see the real issues that surround teenagers many of them are confused and cannot make a decision on their own. They are only doing what their peers do and sometimes they do things that they do not want to be an accomplice of. Despite of a given reaction they might have, it all begins when they get involved in a situation that is hard to get out of. Many teenagers make mistakes, but in the long run they will learn from them. Many times teenagers do not think before they act and this is when the problems arise as it becomes difficult to find a solution for the situation. Many times teenagers are forced to a situation, but they have the power to stop what will occur. I believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions, but when something happens accidentally a teenager should not deserve a harsh punishment unless if it was done on purpose. It should not solely depend on race.
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